
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Only one coupon

Lady comes by the pharmacy to pick up her medication. She was given a discount coupon by her m.d. to offset the price of the medication. The technician tries to process the coupon but she gets a notification from the computer that the day supply was incorrect. She checks that but all is correct. She then reads the fine print on the coupon and discovers that the coupon can only be used once per life of patient. When the patient is asked if she had ever used the coupon before she stated she had. When told she would have to pay the $88.00 for the medication because it is a once in a lifetime deal she gets indignant and wants to know why the company limits the offer. Sorry lady we can't answer that so you will have to call them. The next thing she says is why would my doctor give or to me. Because the doctor is told by the drug rep to hand out the coupons when he writes the medication prescription. He has no idea when you used the coupon and probably doesn't care.

Sent from my iPhone

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