When you work in a pharmacy you begin to understand how little people know about the workings of the pharmacy workflow.
First the patient either hands you a prescription or you receive one directly from the doctors office electronically. Now you have to find the patient in the computer files and make absolutely sure it is the correct patient. You can now scan the prescription into the computer. Once this is done then a technician via the computer files searches for the medication. Now all the remaining information is added such as date written, quantity (#30 or #10) of medication tablets or capsules, instructions on how to take the medication, days supply and physicians name that wrote the prescription.
Once this has been completed the pharmacist now checks the prescription online to verify all of the above items are correct. Once approved the leaflet is printed for the technician to fill. Now the technician has to retrieve the medication from the shelf and scan both the leaflet bar code and the medication bar code to verify that a match is correct. Once filled the medication is given to the pharmacist to review again via the computer by scanning the bar code. If all is correct and the medication image matches then the pharmacist places the medication into a bag and staples the leaflet to the front of the bag. Now the prescription can be sold to the patient.
You really get annoyed when the patient questions why their prescription(s) are not ready and they reply "All you have to do is pour the pills in a bottle and slap a label on the bottle."
No what you would like to do is SLAP them for being so DUMB!!!!
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