
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I just got FLASHED!

Several weeks ago on a Sunday I was working when a person came up to the pharmacy window asking to get their medicine filled at our store instead of another sister store they had been using.  The person had a bald head and the medication they were taking indicated they had cancer.  

After filling the medication I called the person to the register for checkout.  I did not pay attention to the sex of the person during the filling of the prescription and the name did not indicate a male or female.  After finishing the checkout procedure the person told me they had had a double mastectomy.  At this point I realized that the person was female.

She stepped back from the register and pulled up her tee shirt and showed me her chest with two massive scars.  I was somewhat shocked and did not know what to say.  

I told my technician what has just happened and she says, " I guess you got a half flash".  To be honest, I could have done without the flash.  

All in a day of working a retail pharmacy.

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